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411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

// shifting the care model //

Common Migraine & Migraine Subtypes we Treat

Episodic Migraine
Episodic Migraine

Migraine attacks that can occur at various intervals

Chronic Migraine
Chronic Migraine

Migraine that is occurring 15 or more days per month

Migraine with Aura
Migraine with Aura

Sensory disturbances that occur before, during, or after migraine

Intractable Migraine
Intractable Migraine

Migraine that is non-responsive to current treatments

Menstrual Migraine
Menstrual Migraine

Migraine associated with patterns in the menstrual cycle

Vestibular Migraine
Vestibular Migraine

Migraine with vertigo, imbalance, nausea, and vomiting

Post-Concussive Migraine
Post-Concussive Migraine

Migraine that occurs after a concussion

Tension-Type Headache
Tension-Type Headache

Headaches without migraine symptoms and characteristics

Cluster Headache
Cluster Headache

Rare type of headache and can be more painful than a migraine

Caffeine Headache
Caffeine Headache

Headache which is triggered by the withdrawal of caffeine

Eyestrain Headache
Eyestrain Headache

Headache worsened by eye strain and constant computer use

Trigeminal Neuralgia
Trigeminal Neuralgia

Common type of face pain triggered by the nerves

Hormonal Headache
Hormonal Headache

Headache worsened by fluctuations within the endocrine system

Ice Pick Headache
Ice Pick Headache

Headache type classified by the feeling of a stabbing ice pick

Physical Exertion Headache
Physical Exertion Headache

Headache triggered by physical exertion and activity

Hypertension Headache
Hypertension Headache

Headache type accompanied with fluctuations in blood pressure

Rebound Headache
Rebound Headache

Headache triggered by medication or over-the-counter drugs

Post-Traumatic Headache
Post-Traumatic Headache

Headache symptoms followed by a post-traumatic event

Allergy Headache
Allergy Headache

Headache occurring with seasonal, environmental allergies

Blood Sugar Headache
Blood Sugar Headache

Headache occurring with variations
in blood sugar levels

Sinus Headache
Sinus Headache

Headache triggered by inflammation within the sinus cavity

Anxiety Headache
Anxiety Headache

Headache occurring with an increase in anxiety

Depression Headache
Depression Headache

Headache triggered by or accompanied with depression


We don't manage symptoms, we treat
the whole person

Our approach to treating migraine is individualized. We connect patients to a care team, self-guided programs, self-service content, and lifestyle activities according to genetics, headache types, and behavioral health needs and preferences.  

// Do you experience migraine? Reserve your spot